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Xerox and illumination xi. Feb 12, 2016 FM4 Cars and DLC Add-ons list - see top post for re-downloading info: FM4 Cars List with DLC Overview and Links This thread lists all drivable car models in Forza 4, and provides an overview and links to each DLC add-on pack. September 2015 Update: FM4 DLC is no longer available for purchase from the marketplace due to.
I said this a number of years back. Still just as much true today.People complain, people come, people go.I believe that FM.Net is the best game community out there.The Mod Team, are nothing less then Super Heroes.You all help filter the noise, let the voices be heard that need to be, shepherd the lost.Even hammer the stupi.
Less gifted and unperceptive.With very little thanks and a bushel of complaints and back lash.These folks receive death threats, all are unpaid volenteers gang, and if you ever want to see true madness, visit an un-moderated gaming forum!We occasionally thank T10 for all their hard work, which is well deserved and not praised enough,Even more rare is the community thanking you the moderators.So. THANK YOU!Seriously, thank you for keeping this place going, I owe you all a drink, keep your heads down, watch your backs! FH4 is here, and no doubt an influx of new players.You all are my heroes!
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