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Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 11:59am On Nov 17, 2015 |
Alternative energy sources have become very popular around the globe; be it in developed nations or otherwise. Our country Nigeria is no exception. One of the components of an alternative energy system is an inverter. Inverter build and design is very extensive and varies from simple to complex designs. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 12:02pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
A search on google would provide enough literature review of inverters. For this project I built a pure sine wave(PSW) inverter using a high frequency(HF) design. In summary input voltage from the battery is stepped up to 350Vdc using PWM (pulse width modulation), this in turn is chopped using SPWM (sine pulse width modulation) and filtered to retrieve a 220vac 50Hz output. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 12:06pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
Objectives. *** Input 46-60Vdc ***Output 220Vac (+/- 5Vac) 50Hz frequency 2000W |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 12:07pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 12:07pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
more to follow soon |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by Dekatron(m): 3:09pm On Nov 17, 2015 |
Following #Nisol, gaussian, baba11, acorntree all of you na boss!! Always stalking your posts!! I am studying EEE. 200L now. . . . I am looking forward to y'all. And if its not too expensive, I'd build one!! I have knowledge of programming, soldering, circuit building (Veroboard sha oo. I am just going to learn PCB circuit building from a 400L guy when I resume), soldering skill- not perfect, beginner. Lol. Am I good to go?? Oh!! I know alot of Electronics stuffs too- its my obsession. . . . Am I good to go here? |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 5:56am On Nov 18, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 6:28am On Nov 18, 2015 |
The auxiliary power supply uses a flyback converter to step down battery voltage from 40-60v to 1. 13v to power mosfet drive stage. 2. Isolated 15v to drive the output IGBT stage. (note the transformer winding should be reversed as against the schematic's) |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by baba11(m): 11:52am On Nov 18, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 2:05pm On Nov 18, 2015 |
PCB art work. 1 Like |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 2:08pm On Nov 18, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 2:10pm On Nov 18, 2015 |
I did a topic earlier on simple pcb design |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 2:57pm On Nov 18, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 9:27am On Nov 19, 2015 |
Next stage is the DC-DC up-converter stage |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by Dekatron(m): 10:09am On Nov 20, 2015 |
nisol: But you didn't really explain how you did it nah? BTW, between EAGLE and PROTEUS, which one is easier and better? And you didn't list the components for us nah... If this is how you planned to do it, you could've said :- ITS FOR PROFESSIONALS. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 12:27pm On Nov 20, 2015 |
@ Dekatron I haven't finished with the posts. The parts posted above have been clearly explained and parts clearly labelled in the accompanying diagram. Some things you would just have to study on your own (unless you want us to start a degree program online) Use whatever you are comfortable with for your designs. I am not marketing any company's products. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by matamba2(m): 11:54am On Nov 22, 2015 |
I once built and sell my own inverters after service about 5 years ago to so many people here in abuja. But after somtime I discovered its a waste of time when u can actually get inverter now at a very cheap rate courtesy of Indian and Chinese companies. I can only build it now for personal use and not for commercial purpose. Time has changed. Do u know you can actually convert that dead ups lying down in your store into an inverter? Just add a 12v brush less dc fan that can be bought in any electronics accessory store inside the casing and well placed in a position that it will allow suction of hot air and you are done. Coonecting batteries higher than 10ah will have to make use of an external DC charger. I only use this method if my charging source is solar panel. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 1:21pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
The DC-DC converter stage is in the following order 1. PWM controller using SG3525 IC 2. Mosfet gate drive using two IXDN604 Ics 3. Gate drive transformer to couple mosfets |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 1:30pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 1:32pm On Nov 25, 2015 |
zoom in on the two signal outputs to show dead time interval switching frequency is about 60kHz. One advantage of the high switching frequency is the use of a small ferrite core transformer. |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by nisol: 8:40am On Nov 28, 2015 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by darediamond(f): 6:28pm On Mar 21, 2016 |
matamba2:Haa, look at what you have just said in a country of well rooted Unstable Government supplied electricity. Majority of those ready made inverters are not flexible and strong. There transformer Winding are most time Alluminium and are mostly permanently soldered to pcb. Also, those redheaded are not made for people like me that would like to adjust the frequency as wished for research purposes etc. Also there transformer core are not made of or high frequency most time which can enable advance users to do other things. Brother you can know other disadvantages of this imported Invs so use them all to get your business going. For instance, you can local get Resin, and I catalyst and harder and powdered Iron to make your own High Frequency core cheaply. Also, to rejuvenate your business, you can start to sell 50W Solar Panel and mantske sure 300 W Pure Sine Wave inverter for it and sell to students. There other things you can do like making a do it your self module students in secondary schools at 's in the science class to learn more how to soldier components and thus make an Inverter for them selves. Bro, and there many things needed in Nigeria. ****Get a working Pulse Charger Circuit whixh is also know as Battery desulphator and you will be making Millions**** See, components are cheaper now, thanks to God and the CHINESE so you can establish an Industry now with ease. In I would like to know where you are in the world. Let me on Whatapp. You can give me a Whatapp call on 07011052755 or 07060578569 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by alexander007(m): 10:19pm On Jul 21, 2016 |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by usisky(m): 12:39pm On Apr 12, 2017 |
Hi there OP. No more updates? What's the progress thus far? |
Re: Design And Build Of A Pure Sine Wave Inverter by bacco2000(m): 5:55am On Apr 15, 2017 |
I have this locally built Inverter that was built by one engineer. Since the battery became dead, I really don't know how best to utilise the Inverter. I have packed it in the store until i saw this post. It's 1.5 Kw and has an inbuilt charging system. Dear Op how best can i make use of this product. |
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